I had quite a shock this week when I stopped by TRICO, (to the left of the Bridge) at Fort Myers Beach.
I inquired about a man who worked on the shrimp boat "Ole Betts Sea". He had seen me painting the boat while he was working on it (he is the one in the front left) with two other men. I was almost finished with the painting when he had to go and said he was very interested in purchasing my painting. I didn't get all excited because I had this happen another time near the boats and it did not pan out. So, I gave him my card and in a couple of days he called me and said he wanted it and we set a price. He said his crew was going to shrimp at Texas and he would not be back until November. This was now the first week of Dec. and he had not called me so I stopped by the Seafood location. Much to my surprise... He had gotten back from the Fall fishing outing and died last week from an overdose! I was quite saddened by this news. As you can see by my painting, he was a younger person and appeared quite healthy. So many of our young people have fallen prey to this type of lifestyle and eventually like this man end a life far too soon. We cannot not help him now but we can pray for help and guidance for other strangers we see in our daily walk. This morning I saw a familiar woman pushing a cart in the street, which is a normal routine for many of the homeless and destitute in our cities. We may be afraid to approach them or may not have the funds to give them anything, but we can pray for them. Scriptures tell us that even Jesus said to his disciples that we will always have the poor among us. I am sure you have heard and maybe even said, " but for the Grace of God, there go I". During this Holiday season I encourage you to give freely of your prayers for our neighbors on the streets and in the dark recesses of their habits.
...Love and prayers for you.....Penny